Celebrating our 60th year in 2023, the Upwey FTG Baseball Club is a well established, successful, friendly, family orientated baseball club providing a positive experience to children who are keen to join (and enjoy) the thrills of a team sport.
We cater for boys and girls wanting to compete in baseball from TBall all the way through Junior Baseball to Under 18s.
Age Groups
T-Ball (4-7 years old)
Little League Minors (7-11 years old)
Little League Major (9-12 years old)
Senior League 70 (12-14 years old)
Senior League 80 (13-15 years old) Senior League 90 (13-16 years old)
Big League (17-19 years old)
Training and Game times
T-Ball: Wednesday 5-6pm commencing 9/10/25.
Little League Minor: Training Wednesdays 5-6pm and Games on Friday Evening 6-7pm.
Little League Major: Training Wednesdays 5.30-7pm and Games on Sunday 11.05-1.05pm. Senior League 70: Training Wednesdays 5.30-7.30pm and Games on Sunday 8.45-10.45am. Senior League 80 & 90: Training Wednesdays 5.30-7.30pm and Games on Sunday 11.05-1.05pm
Big League: Training with Seniors on Thursday 5:30-7:30pm, Games on Saturday 9-11am.
Junior pre-season kicks off in Mid-September, with games officially starting in early October until Mid-December. Training and games restart in February after the Summer School Holidays, wrapping up the season in March.
Coaches and helpers
All volunteers (including all our coaches) play a crucial role at all levels. If you are a parent or supporter, we welcome you to give us a helping hand during training and games. This includes but it is not limited to scoring, field set-up, team support in the dugout, packing-up amongst many others! You can also nominate yourself to act as Team Manager (each team needs one!) and liaise with families on a weekly basis.
Uniforms and equipment
Our uniform for games comprises UFTG Tigers playing top, white pants, black belt and socks and cap (all can be purchased online or in store). Please note that uniform is not compulsory for training.
If you're new to the game, the club offers a variety of helmets, gloves and bats to get you going - no need to purchase any equipment if you want to give it a go! Also, the club has everything the children need to have fun and learn this great game.
Charter academy
For all the junior players seeking more development and a performance pathway, they have the chance to be selected and be part of the Rangers Charter Representation teams. This involves additional training and playing opportunities.
If your child is chosen to represent the Rangers charter via their try-outs, they compete every April in the Victorian State Championships against other Charters, with a chance to book a spot to represent Victoria in the National Championships.
The Junior Committee:
We are fully committed to our Junior Baseball program and heavily invest both time and financial resources to provide each and every child the opportunity to play and have the best experiences the great game of Baseball can offer. We at the Upwey Tigers believe that the kids are our future. We centre our program around having fun whilst teaching them the essential fundamentals of baseball that will set them up for the years ahead. We surround our kids with positive, constructive, team orientated structures where team work, encouragement and self belief are promoted.
If you or your child are thinking about starting Baseball, give one of our friendly committee members a call and we will be happy to discuss the variety of options available to you. We can organise club and clubrooms tours, try-out days as well as give you all the information you need to make an informed decision.
Yours in baseball,
Junior Committe
Upwey FTG Junior Baseball Club